If you have any questions, please contact the senior committee at either our Instagram (@cvhsclassof22) or our email (cvhsclassof22@gmail.com).
Sign the petition to oppose the hostile takeover at http://bit.ly/nostatetakeover Fight back and attend the June 8th hostile takeover protest, at HISD, 4400 W 18th @ 4:15. It is the first day the sham board of managers is taking over. If you want to fight the governor’s attacks on our cities, if you believe in…
youtu.be/U_zxozhJGIA Carnegie High School Graduation Class of 2022 Watch it on YouTube
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Cuándo: sábado 9 de abril de 11:00 a 14:00 Dónde: Virtual Quién: estudiantes de HISD grados 6-12, padres/cuidadores y cualquier otro personal/adulto que apoye a estudiantes LGBTQ+ Enlace de registro: HoustonISD.org/HISDPride Marketing y materiales bilingües: bit.ly/HISDPride-Summit Si tiene preguntas o necesita información adicional, póngase en contacto con el equipo de planificación de la Cumbre del…
When: Saturday, April 9 from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Where: Virtual Who: HISD students grades 6-12, parents/caregivers, and any other staff/adults who support LGBTQ+ students Registration Link: HoustonISD.org/HISDPride Marketing & Bilingual Materials: bit.ly/HISDPride-Summit If you have questions or need additional information, please contact the Pride Summit planning team via email at Pride@HoustonISD.org. houston independent…
fb.watch/bVTQnt4ER-/ CVHS GENERAL PTO MEETING via ZOOM!!!! THIS Thursday, March 24th ⋅ 7:00 – 8:00 pm BITLY LINK TO LAUNCH ZOOM MEETING: https://bit.ly/2WP17tZ 7:00 pm – 7:30 pm GENERAL MEETING 7:30 pm – 8:00 pm SPECIAL PROGRAM *** WE HAVE A VERY SPECIAL SPEAKER THIS MONTH: Judith Cruz, DISTRICT VIII, TRUSTEE and PRESIDENT *** https://www.houstonisd.org/domain/51278…
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Donate to the CVHS Senior Class of 2022! http://bit.ly/CVHS22Donations